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La Plastic Moulding Machine

Offers solutions, not only services


P.M.M. established a standard overhaul procedure for the machines and accessories which provides precise and accurate overhaul procedures.

  • Toggle group – toggle group check and possible overhaul machines.
  • Lubrication system – Volumetric doser check and possible overhaul.
  • Injection group – Check of the cylinder, screw, push rod and possible overhaul
  • Pump group – Checking wear status of plates and bearings and possible overhaul
  • Cooling unit – Heat exchangers, flowmeters and water valves check and possible overhaul.
  • Safety devices – Electrical and hydraulic safety devices check and possible overhaul.
  • Painting – Painting is carried out using epoxy paints and original colours.

Construction and overhaul of mechanical and hydraulic parts

P.M.M. has a mechanical workshop equipped to supply a service of:
- Mechanical parts construction like:
columns, bushings, mechanical pins, nozzles and other.

- Plastification group overhaul and construction;

- Pumps and proportional valves overhaul.

Technical support

P.M.M. works with highly qualified technicians and is able to provide technical support on machines and accessories.

Spare parts supplying

Our storage is 250 mq and is planned to satisfy all the spare parts requests.

Surveys and evaluations

P.M.M. can prepare value or safety surveys on your second hand machines and accessories.

We are here to help you, contact us

Oleodynamic machines

Operational Headquarters

Via Giovanni Verga, 74
10036 Settimo (TO)

Registered Office

Via Di Boccea, 470
00166 Roma (RM)

Write To Us
Call us

+39 011 897 7649

Operational Headquarters

Via Giovanni Verga, 74
10036 Settimo (TO)

Registered Office

Via Di Boccea, 470
00166 Roma (RM)

Write To Us
Call us

+39 011 897 7649

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